I am struggling to understand how Jack is helping anyone with this Lockdown Larder. (I know, I've been here long enough to realise that this is not about Jack helping, and all about Jack's ego)
Why did these people buy something they didn't know how to cook? Why have they waited until lockdown to find out how to use it? Do they not know anyone in real life that they could ask? There's no shortage of food, so they are not compelled to use only what is in their larder.
Have these people wanting her advice for recipes never heard of Google? There's a plethora (see if she uses that word in the coming days) of recipes for any ingredient. If they really want one her recipes, just Google her name+foodstuff.
As an aside, a larder is a very middle class word/concept/aspiration, most of us have a food cupboard. Some younger people, or people whose first language is not English wouldn't know what a larder is, certainly not those in long term poverty.
I just do not get it, I really don't.