Bellybutton lint
VIP Member
JM seems to be upset this morning.
I know this sounds like a horribly passive aggressive thing to say, but she really needs to take a deep breath, calm down and get some perspective.
Just came to say ...and delete it all in 3, 2, 1.....Imagine those tweets will be deleted at some point today, after venting her spleen.
She has to be talking about another forum because this is just joking around. All the other stuff she is yapping about has not happened here. Once again blow it all up to be something is isn't, or was.There must be another forum because I genuinely wouldn't continue to read this one if it went beyond a general piss-take. She said herself this thread was legitimately funny.
'destroying my relationship'?? I'm not sure that Tattle is that powerful. Own it, Jack.