I watched it.
She’s trying to be “that girl” which is a video trend where people try to be the best version of themselves that they can be - she’s trying to get in to a “good, consistent, healthy routine” that makes her feel positive. Apparently that doesn’t include binning your cheating boyfriend.
There’s a massive gift bag of flowers behind her in the shot - beside the pink books! - I first assumed they were apology flowers but there are anniversary balloons everywhere so it was filmed back then.
She says “us” and “we” a lot in her explanations of what her days off are like. One can only assume she means her and Skye.
She’s trying to get in to better physical shape. “Self care is so important”. She’s on a general self love and self care journey. Again that doesn’t include binning your cheating boyfriend but I suppose self care means something different to everyone.
Jeez. I actually do like the girl, but we’re only 7 minutes in. 40 more minutes to go…
She’s never cooked a butternut squash before?
She’s showing us through the fridge which just seems to be all her stuff. Wonder if they ever actually eat together and eat the same things? She’s removing all of her food purchases (from the organic food store) from the plastic they came in, to other plastic containers. No, I don’t know why.
Skye is really cute. I love Skye. I’d take more Skye content.
She just mentioned she was meant to clean the bathroom that night but is leaving it til tomorrow! Do they genuinely not have a cleaner???
Some of the things she cooks really do not look appetising to me. There’s a weird pea concoction on the side for dinner.
She seems to be permanently alone. Is he never there? Do they ever spend time together?
Skye is at doggy day care again. Never seen the dog as happy as she is when she’s being dropped off there.
She’s doing a daily journal. Wonder if it’s basically a burn book for instahoes linked to Jack.
Her camera just toppled over and I got the fright of my life. Thanks, Sash.
Is there like a big iPad type thing built in to their fridge? Am I showing how much of a peasant I am when I say that I’ve never seen that before?
I still can’t believe she FORCED herself to like green and herbal teas. There’s more to life, surely?
Really can’t blame Skye for being scared of that weird red LED light mask she has. It scares me, never mind the dog.
She’s reading a book about manifestation, “Ask and It Is Given”. Wonder how that’s going for her. Oh, turns out she’s not far in to it at all, and she’s been reading it for months. Explains a lot.
She sat in Starbucks for half an hour waiting for the açai bowl place to open. Yes, really.
There’s music on in the background whilst she’s speaking to the camera. She’s just clarified that it’s Classic FM and it’s actually on for the dog.
She’s doing a B&M hall. Judging by the amount of cleaning stuff she’s bought, it seems they really don’t have a cleaner. Wtf. She bought a load of snacks that apparently aren’t for her. Perhaps Jack likes cookie dough Munchies?
It’s now “a few days later” and she’s had a break from everything. All the anniversary stuff has gone. Wonder if this was after the drama.
Skye had an operation, bless her heart. She’s so adorable with her onesie on and her heart covered bandage on her paw. Hope she’s ok.
She’s just mentioned again she’s got loads of cleaning “and stuff” to do. I simply cannot imagine earning as much as Jack does and not having a cleaner.
You’re welcome. Having just commented on 47 minutes worth of video I can’t deal with proof reading this post so I hope there’s no major disasters.
Oops, I missed that bit out. She says she’s going with a friend (I want to say “Nicole” but I might have made that name up…..)