They are hardly trans activists. Online trolls?
You are misinformed. They absolutely ARE transactivists. That is how TRAs speak to women who believe in biological reality.
I don’t understand the opinions on this thread that trans people are trying to rob women of their biological reality. All trans people recognise that biological females have vaginas and vice versa. That is sex and it is the whole basis of transgenderism? Because they want to change their biological sex markers.
Well, you cannot actually change biological sex. That’s the problem. And you’ve missed the point - it’s not that transactivists want to pretend we don’t have vaginas, it’s that they don’t want us to talk about having vaginas, because it makes them feel negative feelings.
To use the words of Simone de Beauvoir, one is not born a woman, she becomes one. Gender is pushed on us from birth.
Agreed (although you’re kind of bastardizing that quote).
That is a separate issue from sex, which trans activists recognise.
Again, you’re misinformed. Many don’t recognise it’s a separate issue - the conflation of sex and gender, and furthermore, the erasure of biological sex as a concept, is rampant in TRA circles and their ideology. Look it up.
I wonder how many have you have actually spoken to a transgender or gender non conforming person.
Many women defending sex-based rights ARE gender non-conforming, and many of us speak to transpeople every day, both transpeople who agree with us (delightfully named “truscum” by TRAs) and those who don’t (in the form of arguments and debate).
Every one I know accepts that their biological sex cannot change but their dysphoria can be managed by changing their biological sex markers.
Then the transpeople you know are probably considered “truscum” by TRAs and therefore won’t be liked or respected by them. Please do some research into what the loudest voices in trans ideology are saying. Your information is outdated and clearly anectdotal.
That takes literally nothing away from biological females.
Your friends aren’t the ones who are trying to silence women, or invade their safe spaces while retaining male genitalia or making literally no effort to transition. These people exist and are in greater numbers and much louder than your friends.
They would never campaign against FGM issues and I am yet to see a credible source to back this up?
I gave you two. Please research what happened in Wyoming with TRAs attempting to block a bill against FGM. Again, your trans friends are clearly “truscum” and they are not the TRAs who are responsible for this attack on women. Research what is going on.
Recognising that not everyone who has a vagina presents as female is a life or death matter. What happens if a trans man is rejected from receiving medical care because his gender has been legally changed to male on all documents?
This isn’t what is happening though. Yet again, you are misinformed. TRAs actively WANT a hypothetical person like this to have male written on their medical records. Gender critical feminists don’t agree with this, because of the issues it can cause, as suggested.
This is also kind of a non sequitur because gender critical feminism includes transmen. We want them to have access to smears etc. The problem is in changing the language around women’s biology to accomodate their feelings, hence silencing women and their ability to accurately describe themselves.
He needs access to things like cervical smears which would be denied to him if we all lived in the fantasy land that everyone who has a vagina identifies as female.
You seem to have entirely misunderstood the gender critical point of view. It’s not about “identifying” as female. People who have vaginas ARE biologically female. You can live how you want, dress how you want, call yourself whatever you want - we don’t care. We do care that because of how you personally identify, we are being told it is “transphobic” to call ourselves women or say things like women have periods. We are constantly being told that penises are female. And we’re the ones denying biological reality??!
I appreciate that you are attempting to engage with the arguments here, but I don’t think you’re fully aware of what is going on. The fact you think the people attacking Jana Cornell are trolls, not TRAs, shows you are not fully aware of the extent of the current war on women.