Itslittlelauren #2 Baby is dressed up like a dolly & tottering round the farm like a wally

You’re all spot on. My eldest is 3 and I’m a teacher of 5-6year olds and they still struggle with impulse control! 😂 When my daughter made Christmas cards with me, the design has little dots made with a cotton bud and she did SO well concentrating and saying “no fingers in the paint until later” and then when we’d done a few, I said she could paint how she wanted! We did this in a few sessions over the Christmas period. The cards were imperfectly perfect and she got her free play. A child’s world is never gonna be perfect!

Cleanest wellies ever. And with white tights and a formal coat. Buy a clue rather than followers Lozza.
Did anyone see this story she shared? She definitely wants to make it seem like they are a family unit living together. It’s so bizarre.



I’ll never understand why she dresses like this for child activities? It can hardly be practical at all. And the endless “perfect” art that quite clearly Lauren creates to pass off as Ella 🤯 what a sad little life
Also, why the jeff is she wearing that white sundress and sandals? a) she is clearly either staying in the house or going to Spoons for lunch and b) IT IS FEBRUARY. You can’t make spring happen just by putting a strap on dress on, Lauren. And let’s be honest, you’d probably still be chilly wearing that in April or May in this country.
I see that through the magic of time travel, Lozza was off to an interview for an office junior position in 2003 this morning. Lovely casual weekend vibes when you’ve got a toddler 👌
I havnt worn jeans since my twins were born in 2021😂 I refuse to believe she actually goes out like that. Surely it’s a pic for the gram then back into leggings and mum bun like the rest of us