She was indeed condoning his behaviour. That was what pushed me to unfollow. But as someone said above, if she's no longer an infertility page (and fantastic that that is the case!) then she doesn't have the same content to offer anymore. And that's fair enough.
I do think
her reasons for deleting her followers are an overreaction personally BUT I also have more respect for her for making the decision to go private and keep just those she knows. Her page isn't what it was and she should put her focus now into herself, her pregnancy and the child she will have. Not entertaining 14k-ish strangers. Our opinions don't matter at the end of the day! Have a private IG for your family and friends to share your pregnancy and children with - and that's all anybody needs
we've had enough of instagrabbers to last us a lifetime*
*I'm not referring to Aine as an instagrabber, but we've all seen it happen over and over. Following infertility etc accounts, then once baby comes along it's all about what they can grab for free and it leaves a sour taste in the mouth.