You know, I just seem to not care where it comes from because I’m so fixed on it having come at all…? Does that make sense?
Living with a narcissistic father, I experience a lot of injustice in my home and, inevitably, in my life. I’ve yelled in his face what he has done wrong, outlined every glaring contradiction, refuted every blow of venomous gaslighting, and yet he looks me in the eyes and excuses himself. He can look at my face, into my eyes, and tell me he is not at fault for any hurt I bear. There’s something about people staring into my eyes and committing injustice at the same time that sends me over the edge. It’s just so insulting to me.
That was a bit of a sidebar, I apologize, trope. But it kinda ties in in that I see blatant injustice here and I guess it just triggers me every so often. “This is wrong. This is wrong. This is wrong.” Most times I can join in and laugh and let it go, and you and everyone else ease my frustration completely. But there are just these weird moments where I lose it. I witness my father in her cruelty, I re-experience this weird sense of foolishness for having fought against injustices that I was told aren’t really there. And I just can’t wipe it away at times.
As I wrote this to you I realized that some of her posts just trigger me a lot due to lived experience, so thank you for asking this question and helping me sort that out; I wouldn’t have done it otherwise.