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Alice is a huge Trevor Noah fan (who isn't) and he made a excellent segment on the Kim/Kanye issue yesterday, wonder if she can relate to this (with reversed genders, obviously)
And now this thing--it's-it's spun into a story that seems fully tabloid, but I think, I think... deserves a little more awareness from the general public. It's-it's--Because it touches on something that is more sensitive and more serious than people would like to admit. I know everyone thinks it's a big marketing stunt. "Oh, look at the coincidence, Kim is launching a new show..." Two things can be true. Kim likes publicity. Kim is also being harassed. Those things can be happening at the same time. 'Cause I'll be honest with you, what I see from this situation-- I see a woman who wants to live her life without being harassed by an ex-boyfriend or an ex-husband or an ex-anything. You may not feel sorry for Kim, you know, because she's rich and famous, because of the way she dresses, because she appropriates Black culture, because she tells women they're lazy, because she broke the Internet and then didn't put it back together--whatever, you dislike her, whatever.
What she's going through is terrifying to watch, and it shines a spotlight on what so many women go through when they choose to leave. You know, people always say that phrase to women. They go, like, "Why didn't you leave? Oh, why didn't you leave? Why didn't you leave?" Yeah. Because a lot of women realize, when they do leave, the guy will get even crazier. And when I say "crazy," I don't mean "mental health crazy," I-- like, it's-- You-you understand what I mean. You know what I mean. The point is that Kim Kardashian and countless other women-- they find themselves in a terrible position, you know? Because asking Kanye to stop clearly isn't helping. But at the same time, he hasn't broken any laws, you know? So, can she get him arrested? No. I don't think so. Would she even want to? I mean... You know, she spends half her time... helping Black people come out of jail, so now she can't be throwing Kanye West in. It's a bit of a paradox.
But, still, she's being harassed. And I get it. Society's like, "Ha-ha, you deserve it, this is funny, this is that." And I get it, also, from Kanye's side. Like, the parts of Kanye-- there's-there's parts I understand. I understand Kanye saying, "I don't want my daughter on TikTok." I get-- I-I agree with that part of what he's saying. I'm not involved in other people's relationships, though. You know? I think that's a separate issue. What we're seeing, though, is one of the most powerful, one of the richest women in the world unable to get her ex to stop texting her, to stop chasing after her, to stop harassing her. Just think about that for a moment. Think about how powerful Kim Kardashian is, and she can't get that to happen.
he was doing it until 2018/early 2019 on Social Media
and if the note Alice posted on IG a year after he left was legit he did it even a few weeks before the told her that he no longer loves her.
Alice is going to see herself as the Kim in her situation so she will have no trouble agreeing with Noah.