I think she sounds even younger. Pouring milk on his bed and mustard on the floor is the action of a much younger child. She’s devolving, spinning out of control. Mummy Dearest encourages no boundaries and terrible behaviour, IG *sounds* austere in his responses. I’m really worried for her - as a potential runaway or even self-h*rm. Poor bloody kid. I’m not excusing her tantrum, but it’s incredibly worrying how much she’s being pulled in two different directions until she’s transparent as gauze - she’s going to snap, and soon.
And if IG really did have BW there without telling the girls - that’s an incredibly arseholish, selfish, self-centred thing to do. I really judge him *if* he thought he could impose an overnight on a child with a woman she’s been groomed to believe is responsible for wrecking her family and taking her father away. The whole sunshine/rainbows/crystals woo just doesn’t work in such a case.