In America, the Writer's Guild of America is on strike, but no fear, Yo's legal team is doing work all the same on creating the best future Netflix / Hulu/ Apple+ nightmare series. Note them spinning the dramatic yarn of
1. Invoking the nightmare of Yo being "legally tethered" to mAlice with a nice wink/nod to Jordan Peele's Us and being tethered. Can't you just hear her gaspy, wheezy, dirty, stumbling self as a Tethered coming round to the court, telling the judge of cheese strings. And there's Tone, silent in the corner.
2. The very deliberate use of the present tense that Yo "continues" to be abused in spite of the restraining order. Its vagueness is unsettling. What exactly was the post-DVRO abuse that we know occurred to get her arrested and then denied being declared "factually innocent"
3. A woman who is living in an expensive Beverly Hills townhome does not want to get divorced because her $800 dollars is being held in the UK in a pension. She's just taken a page out of Charles Dickens Bleak House and wants to grind down her estate into Jarndyce and Jarndyce and there is nothing left. Sorry mAlice, Scully (Gillian Anderson) beat you and she has an amazing US accent, unlike you.
4. She's been serving the same split ankle legging look in like every picture. mAlice, get new pants.