I hear you - saved up for paint so I can paint our completely not-bespoke stair railing, and am part way through plastering our hallways myself! I'd just be happy to be able to afford to have someone else do it for me professionally. So I get the slight bitterness, for sure. ❤ Especially when her channel isn't a homewares or renovation or decor-focused channel.
I liked her livingroom at first, before she stuffed too many mismatched freebies in it. The kitchen and laundry are nice, but they are also the least original of the rooms. I don't like the colours/style of a lot of the little decor bits she's put in, though.
Apropos the slight bitterness
... think of it in this way. You buy/rent a home which is already furnished and decorated with all new pieces. You love the home but the interiors aren't your taste, however, it is all brand new and it saves you on having to spend on furniture yourself. Sure, it's nice, but it again depends on what kind of person you are and just how much it clashes with your taste. I am a cancer myself and love nesting and having everything in my home look just the way I like it. In my current rental the furiture was already inside and saved me loads but it is totally nothing like my style and I'd much rather redecorate everything myself and spend a bit extra on having it look stylish (especially since I work from home so I'm inside aaaaalmost as much as LEM
). So that's what these ladies have as well (Lydia less so as I do think most of it is her actual taste). But in addition to this, they also keep getting sent more and more stuff which they should display so it will end up being super cluttered or constantly changed around and again likely not 100% perfect to them.
They are literally model women in model homes, wearing and sitting on what has been sent to advertise - and they live it. Not just work it, but live it. And not all the influencers are like this at all, from the ones I've noticed at least, Vicky and Lydia are the most "model" like to the point where it's really hard to tell what actually is their taste and what isn't. Just hope she is enjoying her down time and actually does like that odd living room with those pencil logs, red wall, grey furnace, classic curtains and a mishmash of 'art' styles. And the classic sofas and that wooden side table and ... I can't go on anymore
But you are all right, the kitchen is lovely (I don't like the accessories, though), and the laundry and the bathroom tiles but not how the bathroom was put together nor how it fits with that tacky Louis The IVory bedroom. I actually felt bad writing that last post, but it just makes me anrgy how she ruined the opportunity for such great video content. I always get excited when Youtubers buy a new house, can't wait to see the after. Currently waiting on Mr Kate to re-do Jeffrey Starr's spa - I love her, really want to see how she will manage to create something for his trashy style.