VIP Member
LOVE this recap I literally laughed out loud while reading this, thank you!!! ❤
Thank you. Thank you very much! *bows*
I may have to scrap my dinner plans for Ritz crackers and peanut butter insteadddddd
LOVE this recap I literally laughed out loud while reading this, thank you!!! ❤
Can someone tell me, if there is another thread title suggestion in the thread? I scrolled through 26 pages and there were none (came up to posts with 13 votes or so), then I lost my will to live. I wish there was an easier way to revisit the title suggestions of a thread.Inthefrow #13 Tomi Lahren doppelgänger in the s'urbs, the boy now drives - watch out the curb
She’s pairing a French cheese with “the best cracker everrrr”
*proceeds to whip out a box of Ritz crackers*
Uhhhhhh. Those are low low low level crackers here in America. I don't even eat cheese but I feel bad she's insulting whatever cheese it is with those. Is she mad? She also can't figure out how to open their very very basic simple box design.
She's not allowed to eat it in the UK. Later in the vlog, she list all the stuff she's indulging in.. like " coffee with creamer" . Truly living her best life.
Err.. We have Ritz crackers in the UK and have had ever since I was a child at least?
Err.. We have Ritz crackers in the UK and have had ever since I was a child at least?
My friend who works in this industry (and the reason I joined this site lol) has met her and she said she is max 5’5”She's def not 5'7". When she has been around Lydia and Carrie she's been the same height as them. Lydia claims to be 5'7" but Carrie said she was 5'4" and she looks taller than Lydia to me. Vic might be 5'5" but def not 5'7". I think the last time they were all together was during Lydia's new years from 2019 to 2020
My friend who works in this industry (and the reason I joined this site lol) has met her and she said she is max 5’5”
Not discounting this at all but it surprises me that she would lie about being taller than she actually is, she is so concerned about looking and feeling tiny I’d have thought she’d go the other way and want to appear tiny so would admit her real height or say she was shorter.. although maybe that stems from my secondary school experience of “pick me” girls who just wanted to be small and cute for the boysMy friend who works in this industry (and the reason I joined this site lol) has met her and she said she is max 5’5”
Not discounting this at all but it surprises me that she would lie about being taller than she actually is, she is so concerned about looking and feeling tiny I’d have thought she’d go the other way and want to appear tiny so would admit her real height or say she was shorter.. although maybe that stems from my secondary school experience of “pick me” girls who just wanted to be small and cute for the boys