Mind you the wallpaper was gifted! I’ve seen it so many times on Pinterest even on ceilings! Her making out she was being creative and doing something different was pretty laughable as it’s been done so many times before. She just accepts anything and everything that’s given to her for free! The amount of bedding been sent to her you will see her do one post on it then never see it again! The lassy is just greedy.She grates the living tit out of me. I unfollowed her a longtime ago after she had some kind of breakdown but plastered it all over her stories all for the pittypartybrigade. She had a beautiful house before the bungalow, but now it's like she just tries too hard to fit in with the trending interior vibe that sweeps across insta.
I get the impression her new but older bathroom sit didnt quite get the likes she was hoping for so ripped it out and started again. She also made such a fuss about the cloud wallpaper and it's not even their main bedroom?! That paper is in excess of £80-100 a roll.
She craves attention and it's a joke the way shes gifted things left right and bloody centre.
I could be an Interior stylist if I was gifted the fancy stylish stuff and chuck it into a room.
Also second her annoying voice. Like nails on a blackboard.
Rant done. She just grates on me!!!