inpolife - in no particular order

how to manage anxiety. Jump on the MH bandwagon, anxiety is a great one for engagement. Rip off professional artists by copying their work, it’ll boost your confidence which means you’ll be able to do more ads. Prance around in swimwear or as few clothes as possible to show how incredibly bravely you’re overcoming your anxiety. Look smug at all times at the thought of all the aff links and rope your smug daughter in too. She and Anna Mathur would make a great team, both disingenuous and milking mental health issues for profit. She’ll probably do a book next 🙄 I’m definitely not diminishing real anxiety issues having had them myself, but I think she’s just so full of crap.

ughhhhhh Anna Mathur! What a pain in the arse she is! Who would take advice from that phoney whingebag
ughhhhhh Anna Mathur! What a pain in the arse she is! Who would take advice from that phoney whingebag
Exactly this! Someone who’s life “appears” chaotic and always seems on the verge of falling apart despite all the help. Imagine if a GP or teacher behaved like this, people would run a mile or complain.
Anna has her own thread if you aren’t over there. I’m surprised her thread isn’t more active

It’s not a romantic break if you’re documenting <aka bleeping MOANING ABOUT> every aspect. Massive - in every sense of the word - bleep


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I had to have a look in on her insta, and she still manages to irritate me. She is like a spoilt brat, she's on holiday with her hubby yet still moans her way through it with weight issues, to far to walk/cycle, hasn't eaten.
INPO take note many menopausal women on hrt just get on with life, they eat healthier, and move more it's really not that difficult and far easier if you don't feel the need to sell your soul for likes.
Well exactly! She often talks about being really big, size 20 - as am I, but we looked so different! She looked great and I don’t! But now on the Volvo ad it is obviously reflecting reality. I’m not knocking her size and I don’t particularly like jokes or digs about women’s looks but it’s so disingenuous to make being really big part of your brand then alter your pics/pose in such a way that you look completely different. I love a flattering pic as much as the next person but she looked totally different.
Said different way too many times there.