Indie gossip!

Damon Albarn was a prick to Justine Frischmann as well. Tried to get her to jack in her music career at its height.

Alex was a dick as well. Miki from Lush has talked about a lot of the crap she had to put up with back in the day, one thing being Alex biting her ass without any warning and thinking it was hilarious. There are many stories about him thinking he was God's gift and trying it on with women who weren't interested, and in his autobiography, he talked about all the women he had on the go at the one time as if they were objects rather than people, including one instance where he bragged about having three women on the go at one time and them being at his and cleaning the house for him.
To post something not depressing to this thread.

Does anyone know about the song Gin Soaked Boy by The Divine Comedy? I remember at the time Neil Hannon said the lyrics were actually a riddle? But reading them now I think he was just messing with us! 🤣

Edited to add... Omg there is an answer!

I remember him saying only his mum knew the answer, awww.

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I've met Neil Hannon and he is as lovely and witty in person as I hoped he would be.
To post something not depressing to this thread.

Does anyone know about the song Gin Soaked Boy by The Divine Comedy? I remember at the time Neil Hannon said the lyrics were actually a riddle? But reading them now I think he was just messing with us! 🤣

Edited to add... Omg there is an answer!

I remember him saying only his mum knew the answer, awww.

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I got it. Mostly because it all seems to relate back to God (I’m Catholic, and part of God is the Holy Spirit)