Just when I think this person can’t sink any lower.
Now she’s overdone the piles, she’s moved on to thrush. Listen, I know some women suffer with it through no fault of their own. Personally, I’ve never had it (thank god and touch wood) but one does have to wonder about how unsanitary she is (admitted by herself) and come to the conclusion that maybe her own actions (walking around in swimsuits that resemble floss up the arse and in between her flaps), prancing about in period blood and not caring etc might have caused her itchy vag.
I cannot believe after admitting that she has awful piles and sits in leaked period blood she tries to sell a swimsuit that has been sat up her crusty nether regions
As for the video of renal and her “big feelings”, no Imogen, she’s being a brat. Tell her no, let her cry it out because she can’t get her own way then she’ll learn that she can’t take toys off her sister because “she wants them”. Ori fella is going to go the same way, not going upstairs to brush your teeth because she won’t leave your hip or whatever the
tit sorry excuse was?!
I have a 14 month old, sometimes she screams and cries whilst I go for a wee/wash up quickly/put some laundry on and you know what? It’s tough. Sometimes she throws a fit when we brush our teeth and wash our faces in the morning, it’s non negotiable, so I let her throw her tantrum then I give her the flannel to wipe her face and we sing brushing teeth songs while she gives them a scrub (with my help) and why you may ask Grimmo? Why would I cause my daughter so much emotional harm by not acknowledging her “big feelings” when she can’t do what she wants to do when she wants to do it, because all through life she’s going to have to suck it up and do things she doesn’t want to. I’m setting the path for her to be a well rounded, normal, human being who can deal with it. After she’s done as she’s told, we clapping and cuddles and she’s her happy self again.
It’s clear to see by Imogen and that little
twit Hugo’s narcissistic, horrible, selfish personalities that neither of them were raised correctly. So forgive me Imo, if I don’t take your parenting tips, if my daughter turned out to be anything like you or your shithead brother, I’d be ashamed of my life.