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she had the most beautiful amazing perfect upbringing anyone could ever have hunnnn. You wouldn’t understand because you’re not an empath like her… just ask her mum honest .I’ll be honest, a few months ago I thought people on here were a tad harsh with regards to what was said about Imogen. But in all honesty, she’s as bad as everyone says she is. She seems to have completely lost the plot. All this dancing in front of the kids and silly weird activities she makes them do are just ridiculous.
We all love our kids/babies and want them to be entertained but I don’t believe ANY child needs to have you dance and screech at them at BREAKFAST time ffs. IMO kids are more than happy with just tagging along with whatever you’re doing and “helping” (slowing you down) with things like laundry, bathing younger siblings etc. She honestly seems manic. She needs some hobbies and interests of her own, then maybe, just maybe she wouldn’t obsess over her kids.
As for Spencer…that poor man needs to get a grip and a life outside of his wife. I 100% don’t think ANY man can enjoy the tit she makes him do. His family/friends must dislike her! I know I would! She’s self absorbed, and privileged to the point that she doesn’t know she’s born. Her comment about having no friends doesn’t surprise me, all she talks about is herself. Her world is so small and insular that surely there must be resentment between her and Spencer, because if my husband had to make his life revolve around me I know he would be a grumpy prick and with GOOD REASON! It’s just not natural to shut the world out the way they do.
I’m not saying it to be nasty, but what happened to her as a child? What went wrong? Why is she so intense and weird…was there abuse? Did her parents have Munchousen or whatever it’s called? Did they make her think there’s something wrong with her? Because I’m not even joking when I say if I was a health visitor/doctor/midwife I’d have serious concern for her mental well being. The girl is NUTS! This whole “my daughter doesn’t sleep” business is completely her own doing. Put the girl to bed after a calm, relaxing evening, bath, story then BED! No messing around! Kids need boundaries to feel safe. Singing and laying on the floor tit is going to make them think there is genuinely a problem/something to be scared of when it’s literally part of life to go to bed?!? WTF! She isn’t well, idc what anyone says, she isn’t happy deep down and it’s plain as day. She has serious, serious problems.
Hahaha.. nah in all honestly I think she’s just spoilt as duck & is a huge narcissist.
she is forever a victim and she has no friends because that is exhausting.She constantly has a problem / issues.. it’s the only way she knows how to connect with people through manipulation.
She brings everything on herself
Your kid won’t sleep because she’s allowed to not sleep. Simple as that .
I also agree about Spencer, don’t get me wrong I hate the whole toxic masculinity culture and it’s deffo better we now have more present dads in the home etc. but he takes it too far.. I don’t think it’s healthy for anyone to have nothing for themselves. Even your most traditional trad wife will still have friends and see family outside the home.
Spencer has nothing. But imo. He needs something for himself that isn’t being submissive to his wife. His job is to compliment her.. and tidy for her.. and cook for her.. and shop for her.. he’s basically her PA. He needs something for himself for a bit of self respect/dignity.