How old is Ren now ? She definitely seems very young compared to mine who is 13months. Although I know it can be a wide spectrum at that age for milestones etc. Also think sometimes when they don't have much hair it makes them seem younger too where as mine has little ponytails in now.
shes 16 months now.
so nearly one and a half.
I keep posting about this haha, but with Ren I don’t think it’s necessarily to do with milestones.
She’s just got no independence/does anything confidently if that makes sense?
I think she’s more than capable of doing things for herself but Spencer and Imo don’t let her and do it for her.
Also I’ve noticed that when she’s doing things now he starts looking at the camera so she’s not focused on what she’s doing:
like here Spencer’s asking her to stir but she’s tooo busy looking at the camera which I find really alarming & sad tbh
But I don’t think she can gain a skill properly because she’s constantly got a camera in her face which distracts her and parents who treat and speak to her like she’s still 8months.
Like Spencer still spoon feeds her - she’s 16 months let her spoon feed herself (yes it will be messy and require some effort).. but on one of the videos he gives her the spoon and she has nooo idea what to do with it she just pokes it and gives it back to him.
They seem to just try something once with her and if she doesn’t take to it instantly it’s “ohhh she hates it” and they just do it for her
I think they’re both a bit out of their depth with her growing out of the baby stage.. she’s going to start getting really fustrated when she hits 2 if they don’t allow her to do anything. And she’ll get to the point where she’ll want to do things herself but can’t because she doesn’t have the skill set too and again she’ll have a melt down / get really fustrated.
I don’t think we’ll see much of Ren then.. just stories from Imo about howwww impossible her toddler is.. how difficult it is for her.. the whole feel sorry for meeee.. how her toddler is the only toddler in world to have tantrums.. but ofc, she’ll take no responsibility herself, she’ll probably keep blaming the one week of illness