VIP Member
She’s in her own little world. Seriously. Saying if she hasn’t slept and been up all night and needs help in the evenings, Spenny will ask if it is okay if he can go to the gym…
There are married couples who have 3 kids, will work full time but can manage okay if one of them wants to go to the gym or have a social night out.
Imo and Spenny have the luxury of being at home TOGETHER 24/7, going to sleep whenever they want, waking up whenever they want, having time off whenever they want…yet will always find something to complain about.
Quoting myself here because I said they will always find something to complain about. Here is Imo yet again complaining that Renaelia has to fit around their schedule and she feels bad about it. Let’s get the out for Spenny and Imo. What schedule?
They WFH, they are more or less their own boss, they are together 24/7, yet Imo is complaining there is no time to fit in any sensory classes? She is so DELUDED! There are families where BOTH parents work long hours, yet can fit in taking their children to classes whether it is music class, dance class or sports. ️