Why does the tiktok go silent? God she’s so tit at everything she does
She always seems more relaxed with him tooMy baby actually won’t settle for my husband but I’d never in a million years say that to him or make a video about it. So demoralising & could impact their attachment long term. I just give them room to try and find their own little way & if it’s too much for either of them they know I’m there. and unlike Imo I know his preference for me isn’t coz I’m mum of the year, it’s because I’m usually available & smell of milk from what I’ve seen Ren seems to be really content with Spen which is great. She wants to grow up & realise it can’t be about her ego anymore.
Literally thought the same I clicked on it and watched the first few mins dunno if I can bear to watch it all tbh… and imo is like right Mine is “I” …. So I’m going to have an INDIAN, that’s ok isn’t it? Yeah course it is, is it? Yeah that’s ok, it’s still I isn’t it.I don't understand why she does these "challenges" because in every one of them she bends the rules and comes up with some stupid round about way of how something relates to the letter in her name or whatever!
I’ve noticed this on so many videos, she also takes tiny weeny bites and moves her mouth round so much like she’s taken a massive biteI watched her new video (fast forwarded through most of it) and when she’s eating that curry and rice, she puts the most minuscule amount on her spoon and most of it is rice, then talks for ages not eating. There’s deffo something going on with her food intake or lack there of…