VIP Member
Same with the pram! Thought she screamed in that as well?Taking her in the car to get her to sleep? I thought she screamed in the car?!
Get your lies straight Grimmo!
Same with the pram! Thought she screamed in that as well?Taking her in the car to get her to sleep? I thought she screamed in the car?!
Get your lies straight Grimmo!
And the pushchairTaking her in the car to get her to sleep? I thought she screamed in the car?!
Get your lies straight Grimmo!
Omg the crust on her lips is revoltingView attachment 912511 q
She looks dead!!!! She looks like she’s been dug up!!! Instead of begging for all this free stuff for renaynay, she needs to get begging for something to sort those monstrosities on her face out!!!
Omg the crust on her lips is revolting
WHEN WILL THESE DIMWITS REALISE SHES A BABY, THEY DONT CHUFFIN SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT. MY GODDDDD MY 2 AND A HALF YEAR OLD HAS NEVER SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT, doesn't mean I'm off taking him to bloody be poked and prodded and sleep trained FFS. God sorry rant overOh dear the subtitles have butchered baby Renaelia’s name… Analia?
Pending storytime from Imo: “Instagram Subtitles Bullying My Baby’s Name”
View attachment 910677 q
Anyone else confused with the nickname moo? Like I get it if your babies called Millie Maisie Molly etc but why moo from rRenealia?
I just don’t see the point in giving such a stupid name and having to grasp at straws for this extravagant meaning for her to never call her by said nameAnyone else confused with the nickname moo? Like I get it if your babies called Millie Maisie Molly etc but why moo from rRenealia?
I find it so odd how many times she asks her followers about a new problem everyday, don’t get me wrong everyone’s a little anxious as a first time mum but I used to Google (not the best idea I know) and if I was still worried I’d take him to the doctors. She literally put a whole paragraph about how every baby is different with everything but yet still contradicts herself by saying she’s still going to see someone regarding sleep, just let your baby be a bloody baby Imogen!!!!Really beginning to feel sorry for this little baby. She's a completely normal and healthy little girl and her parents are convinced something is wrong with her. Poor thing is getting pulled and prodded all over the place