Interesting that Spenny boy didn’t seem to pull in any extra shifts at work before lockdown. What an absolute wet weekend
Boss: hi Spencer as you’re aware, lockdown happens on Thursday and we’re really busy at the shop, any chance you could come in for a couple of extra days to help out? We are swamped.
Spencer: hi erm well you see my wife mills is still recovering from her tooth operation where the dentist had to sit on her chest whilst I watched from the outside so we’re still pretty traumatised from that and mills still can’t drink her sugary caffeine loaded drink from Starbucks from a straw so I’ve been giving her a Tommy tippee cup instead. My wife mills also said I can’t come into work tomorrow cause I’ve got to film her doing a haul in homesense for all our family of huns so if I’m honest mate I’m just gonna struggle to find the time to come into work. Sorry hope it’s not too late notice but my wife mills is really struggling so she said she would pay me to be her carer, at least I won’t get furloughed!