I don't think she did, he said Mother in lawWhy did his mum send him a birthday card then???
How do you know Spencer by the way?Don’t think they liked her and it all caused a family fall out. They obviously didn’t go to the wedding either
How do you know Spencer by the way?
Must run in the family... The older you get the more obnoxious you becomeHugo used to be really sweet??? Whats with all the shouting jesus christ
what other tea do you have on spenny boy??from where he lived
what other tea do you have on spenny boy??
Literally anything! Surely you made this account to spill tea on him?what do you want to know
How long have you known him?what do you want to know
How long have you known him?
When did you meet?
What was he like?
Has he changed from when you knew him?
Do you know his family?
What are they like ?
Do you have evidence that you know him/his family?
Why did you join tattledon’t want to give too much away on case
Know him quite well
He was a lad but always changed when he got with a girl.
family seem really nice
He’s changed loads but gets very wet with girls and a bit suffocating
Well what do you want to know
Everything... What was he like? What's she like in person? The whole family dynamicWell what do you want to know