I got 8 minutes into the what I what in a day video and had to turn it off. So boring it hurts.
Literally So trivial it's unreal. Someone had to get the smallest room, but it's not allowed to be her? Also I swear the context was she fucked off all her uni mates in Magaluf and that's why they hated her and snaked her with the room situation
Omg lol. One thing that stood out to me was her saying she only got the smallest room for £20 less per week, which I didn't remember her saying before and seems completely fair? Went back to check the original uni storytime and she says here that she paid the same, and asked to pay less and they said no! Just one of many lies I'm sure
Imogen must have begged to have the comments turned off, she doesn't know her arse from her elbow when it comes to her fake life story
Now I've finished the vid (it takes me hours as they're all so bloody long) I remember this was the storytime which turned me off her, and I'm not surprised, she is absolutely DERANGED in this vid. How can you film what is essentially a rant video where you've sat for 45 minutes slut shaming your ex mates repeatedly and slagging off every aspect of their character when most of it is lies you've made up in your head.She exaggerates so much it’s embarrassing
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so she’s obviously got thinning hair due to being so underweight but how on earth can she think that this looksgood? So painfully obvious
Eating would help too I reckon.I saw a few days ago on her insta stories she said she is going to start trying that mane and tail shampoo and conditioner to get her hair thicker
What has she done to herself. She was stunningHer hair used to be so much healthier and voluminous compared to now it’s so limp and thin
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She thinks she’s fooling us by uploading “what I eat in a day” videos but it just highlights it if I’m honest100000% she has an eating disorder. The shape of her stomach indicates it too.
She’s a liar if you watch her broken friendship part 1 She says in it I am very generous with my money when I have money I want to spend it on everyone because I like seeing people happy so we would have sleepovers and go for ice cream and I’d say don’t worry I’ve got this.Ok so I’ve managed to watch a bit of the interview and I have a few questions. She says she didn’t want to pay ‘£1000 a month, or £950 a month for a box room’ ... that would make the full price of rent for a student flat near enough £5000. I know London is pricey but that sounds ridiculous.
I wonder if the footballer ex knows about these stories? Cos why on earth would any guy want to by victoria secret pjs and ice cream for 5 girls he doesn’t know?