Imogen Thomas

I am fascinated by what these people really earn. Sod all is my guess.

Anyone with a camera phone and no other discernible skills can set themselves up as a wannabe influencer. Supply far outstrips demand. Advertisers don’t have to pay much: there are gangs of people queuing up to feature their merchandise in exchange for vague promises about future collaborations. (which incorporates Pretty Little Thing and Nasty Gal, and bought the Karen Millen, Coast, Warehouse and Oasis brands) just posted a massive profit rise for its first quarter. Despite the virus and despite influencers not being able to go out and about in its gear. Does that business particularly need influencers? I’d say not. The influencers need them more. They could choose from thousands. Why would they do more than give a selected few a couple of free outfits? Advertising doesn’t get much cheaper than that.

There are a myriad of aspiring influencers for everything: parenting, decor, cleaning, make up, clothes. I’d be amazed if more than about fifteen ‘influencers’ in the UK were making a living from it. And yet, the wannabes keep on coming, probably because the barriers to entry are low.

Realistically, what does Imogen Thomas bring to market? A stint on Big Brother years ago. A seedy affair with Ryan Giggs, also years ago. Having children. Having been Miss Wales years ago. What’s down for her really? I think it’s rather sad. It’s an example to show to anyone whose career plan is ‘being a celebrity’: here’s where you end up. Desperately trying to attract the attention of brands who might pay you a pittance to photograph yourself using them, IF you have enough followers and IF you can shout louder and be shinier than all the other people doing the same thing. She’s relatively lucky because her ex husband bought her a house (maybe...he might still own half of it and want the equity back when the kids leave home), but what happens for the rest of her career?
Hi 👋 new here
I actually quite like Imogen, watching the ‘best of big brother’ episodes made me look her up now.
I remember reading an article in 2006, when BB and lads mags were at peak popularity, and it said magazines would pay £25k for a photo shoot with a big brother star! Imogen did a lot of those shoots so she probably made a huge amount of money that year.
My kid goes to the same school as her girls.
I see her on the school run. She does like to wear a tracksuit.

I’d reckon her house is worth about £1.2 as she must have 4 bedrooms as has an aupair.

I used to see her at a local playgroup and she was always glued to her phone, barely interacting with her children.

Also she seems to have quite a few collabs on her main page, Fage, Compeed, Sally Hansen - I’m wondering why? She’s not aspirational is she? Claim to fame is BB and shagging a footballer...
And the obligatory sex tape, of course. With her original breasts.
Most of them use companies like this one

to rent bags for their photos. The companies are really good at helping the z listers fix their tax returns to say that each bag hire is a business expense and so can be claimed back against money going out. It’s a scam, but a legal one. If you look at fast food outlet owners, they often have a super flashy car because they can claim it as a business expense “to get them to meetings” cutting their tax bill while having a nice little treat for themselves

I know this is old but I’ve seen a few posts like this about instagrammers fiddling tax through business expenses and I don’t really get what tattlers are saying. Yes you can offset expenses against earnings and reduce your tax burden but you still have to pay for the expense.

So in the handbag example

You make £500 income
Say you should pay 50% tax and NI- £250 owed

You make £500 income
Hire a bag for £100- expenses
Profit / income is now £400

You owe £200 tax.

So you, you saved £50. BUT you paid £100 to hire the bag. This is only really advantageous if the business expense is so important to you you appreciate the later tax discount. I’m struggling to see how randomly buying things somehow makes you money through paying less tax. You’ll never save more than the item cost.

Or is it some scam I’m not understanding?
I know this is old but I’ve seen a few posts like this about instagrammers fiddling tax through business expenses and I don’t really get what tattlers are saying. Yes you can offset expenses against earnings and reduce your tax burden but you still have to pay for the expense.

So in the handbag example

You make £500 income
Say you should pay 50% tax and NI- £250 owed

You make £500 income
Hire a bag for £100- expenses
Profit / income is now £400

You owe £200 tax.

So you, you saved £50. BUT you paid £100 to hire the bag. This is only really advantageous if the business expense is so important to you you appreciate the later tax discount. I’m struggling to see how randomly buying things somehow makes you money through paying less tax. You’ll never save more than the item cost.

Or is it some scam I’m not understanding?
I think people who don’t understand tax and accounting don’t realise that you do physically have to pay for the item first.
Does anyone know what happened between her and her ex? Has it ever come out? I see she said it was messy break today on her insta
Correct me if I’m wrong here, but I don’t think shes ever said anything interesting in all her 15 years of D-list celebrity fame... She’s another whose face has grown larger in the past few years. Bone structure (which was quite fine before) is now disguised by a rounded and fleshy look. 🤷‍♀️ Aislyene is another - a perfectly beautiful face that is now much larger/puffier. 😞
She is so unsexy. No matter what she does, how naked she gets, how much she does escorting, porn, prob only fans and other sites under different names... Still totally devoid of any erotic attributes whatsoever.
She looks like a marshmallow. And has the personalty to match.
All that tit she's selling now about that poor Nikki, she's a shameless cow. She sagged off Pete for sharing a pic where nikki looked skeletal (ie always) when she set up pap pics of her and nikki drinking in the street, nikki in a dress with her skinny bare arms looking like they will snap. Hypocritical.
Also didn't she keep, trying to become a wag but got pumped and dumped by famous feminism advocate Ryan giggs?
Nice work girl. 😒🤣🤣