16 minutes - so you dont't have to
How best to celebrate freedom from a shopping obsessed matriarch than to go err shopping ?
Kicks off with jaunty soundtracked snippet of the kids ambling on in Town.
Quick cut to Chris overly happy saying its super super happy happy the kids have lefy the lights on and Esme is back from ballet class
Sarah isn't just here in spirit she has actually loaned her eyebrows to Chris whilst away - check them out in this tasteful picture designed to get all you fellow ladies "feeling jiggy"
They are off on a daddy daughter shopping day she needs new trainers for school - err hang on you went for some the other day. They are all going to have FUN
Cut to them in one of the shops and Chris showing us Issy is better. Issie knows it's showtime and agrees. This is interrupted by tEsme who has just found the ideal Halloween gift - a gruesome looking baby a sort of bastard child of Chucky
There is some wittering abut some surprise and they are looking at cribs and going to get one. Chris talks so fast it's like he has stopped taking his prescribed medication and has just started using speed instead- think about it the fast chatter bursts of energy, eagerness to keep cleaning it all fits.
Dave once went out with a girl who used speed he says she used to jump on him for a bit of energetic hanky panky then run round the flat vacuuming
Anyway we get first site of the crib. It looks like a non descript plastic filing cabinet to us but we are neither worthy or modern. Still its got 10% off so that should seal it
Unfortunately it's out of stock so Sarah will have to wait for her surprise crib. Chris thinks putting the receipt in a card for Sarah would be nice. If he could slip it inside a Dominoes pizza box he would definitely crack it
Onto the next bit of shopping and Issy has some AMAZIN birthday vouchers. They are going to the Mary Shortle shop
We next see the fun family after they have come out of the Mary Shortle shop and we have a breakneck speed gushy wooshy breakdown from Chris about the stuff they have bought.
Chuckys bastard off spring is seen again and its even more hideous ugly.
Mary Shortle do a babys party Isla is rather muted. Chris says they got some ifam booties pronounced BOOTYS AS IN BOOTYS that are really cute. Issy spots an actual Chucky doll in a window and then says she needs a drink.
Probably in a few years that will take on a whole new meaning if she starts hitting the bottle to get away from this fucked up circus
They get hot chocolates in Nero. Chris name drops Ingham Family Booties pronounced BOOTYS. Isabelle doesn't feel well they are going to look for Isabelles trainers I like the fact Issy gets on with trying trainers on while Chris chats
tit with the youngest.
Outside Isabelle is talking saying she likes her trainers and the other girls shout about how they love their dolls. Its as if they need to be seen in the video.
Now it's off to granny and grandpas for dinner. So they are heading there. Non of this meeting is shown on camera but they had Chinese there
It's now back to the house and fruitloop says how good it all it was and souper nice. The kids are about to get into bed
Issy is still ill and I suspect will be off school Monday/ Tuesday
Now we are in the kitchen and Chris is chatting bout how it's one whole year since they got the keys to the current Brompton house. Chris articulates it's crazy and insane now its a year and at this point he is quite autobiographical about how excited he was about having bought their first home. I can genuinely and totally get this. Putting all things aside I really can get the feeling you have on your first owned property.
He spoils this by going on about how he wishes he was spending it with Sarah but she needs some me time having been ill etc.
He is going to get the girls off to sleep and then watch some Netflix and have some snacks
That's your lot