bleeping hell they don't know the meaning of emotional. i just got back from the vets with the pups and one of them might have a life limiting condition. That's emotional Sarah you stupid people, not some video of your daughter walking over some grass with some inappropriate music. Not holiday reveal after holiday reveal.
Sorry I'm just so angry. I swear if this baby doesn't exist or she's doing a baby scam to trick us all then she's such a
witch. She's milking this for all it's worth. That baby deserves a mother better than her. I feel sorry for it. He's better off going into care than being with these two. For the first few months of his life he will be the topic of click bait. Wait for the meningitis and herpes click bait, they'll do t a they are the sort of people they are. She isn't pregnant with a child, she's pregnant with a puppet, who they will pull along and force to do what they want. He will be milked for all he's worth before Sarah runs out of breast milk.
Sarah love, I know you read here. You're breathless from all those Nando's you fat
witch. Maybe if you got up off the sofa and ate a carrot every now and then you would be able to walk down the street properly. Watch next week and the fainting will start.
You'll all crash and burn in a few weeks or months and when that happens I will be the one at the front of the queue laughing. You will never be grateful for what you have. You always want more, more, more.
Sorry... rant over. I'm off to have a cry