You can tell Lazy didn't go to a specialist English Language school. Did she even pass English?
Do they ever do anything other than go to Morrisons or Primark? Creepy says he loves Halloween. Wonder if that's so he can scare young kids.
Sarah saying they only take the girls to houses in their street to Trick or Treat. Not sure anyone will answer this year love. Don't think anyone will knock either...
Haha not heard that one before about people not agreeing with struck or Treating because it's like begging. What bs.
Oh the fake screams are back. Well it is Halloween...
Chris shoving all those spicy sweets in his mouth and going bright red. Bet Esme was laughing inside.
Ooh more promotion of DressLily.
*Those of you wondering how my pup is, we went for the referral today. She had all sorts of tests done and it was confirmed that the microchip was put in too deep. I already suspected it because the problems started a day or two after she was chipped. It's really rare apparently but it has been removed. Unfortunately she died on the table but the amazing vet team bought her back and she will hopefully be home in a day or two. I hand reared her because she was struggling to feed from mum and get enough milk as there was a very large litter so we're really close and I love her to bits.