I disagree. 20 minutes may only be a small part of their day but if this sort of stuff is what we see on camera then I can't imagine what life is like off camera. I have some serious concerns for those children and their development. the was they are reared, the food they are fed, their social interactions etc will all have an impact on their future lives. The fact that they get very little nutrition from their food. The behaviour of Chris and Sarah. What Chris done to those girls should raise serious red flags to SS.Some of them were just a few years older than Isabelle who is 13 and his behaviour is quite inappropriate; Walking into her bedroom uninvited, hiding under her bed. not to mention the fact they broadcast her periods and private information for the world to see. He talks to children Isabelle's age on social media saying god knows what to them. They risk the safety of their children by making it easy to find their house, schools, dance schools etc. Who knows how many paedophiles (or worse) watch their videos and may want to spy on the children. It's disgusting to say I know but this is the world we live in and we have to protect our children. They drag the girls off to all parts of the world and send them back to school the day they return without a care for their welfare. goodness knows how exhausted they would be and how much this impacts on their schooling. How did they deal with the sexual allegations when things got too much? They dragged the girls off to Crete and Australia. Their own mother can't be bothered and isn't able to do simple homework for a nine year old. A quick google would've helped. They're loaded with sugar with no thought for their organs. They are going to end up with diabetes or high cholesterol. We all saw how hyper Esme was last night, imagine how they must be with all the sugar Sarah loads them up with. The prank they played on Esme with the baby too; pranks are mean't to be funny but that was horrifically cruel. When the girls are sick they simply don't care and continue to shove cameras in their faces. They force them to go to school rather than keeping them off to recover. Sarah hasn't had a single midwife appointment for her baby. Who knows what diseases or infections she has that can impact on the baby. We've all heard about the deaths from Herpes recently and there she is waddling around like the Queen with a new cold sore every day doing absolutely nothing. A good mother who cares about her baby would see a midwife. All Sarah does is talk to the bloody camera. I think Social Services should have lots of concerns. There is much more that I could say.