* We find Sarah sat on the stairs babbling on about nothing as usual. She's in the house but apparently it's so cold in there that you can see the mist coming out of her mouth. All I can see coming out of her mouth is bullshit. They realllllyyyy need to sort out that heating. They're off to see Esme's harvest festival in the chapel. But if Sarah continues talking they will be late.
* After going to Esme's performance they went to the doctors. Sarah was moaning that it was a sit and wait service. IF YOU DON'T LIKE YOUR DOCTORS THEN MOVE TO A DIFFERENT SURGERY!!!! Shock... horror... Sarah wants a hospital birth. She wanted a referral to a different hospital than is with i her catchment area as that's where she had the other girls.
* Next scene is Sarah asleep on the sofa as usual. Bet she loves it when Chris puts that in the vlogs. Chris goes for a skate. Prinny is running after him. She's probably thinking he's off on holiday and wondering why he's abandoning her again. Then Chris rants about the weather as us Brits love to do.
* After getting the girls from dance they go to the shops. They get some crisps and popcorn for Sarah, along with more unhealthy stuff for the kids. Sarah is stuffing her face with the popcorn as they leave the store.
* They're home after getting Esme and she shouts at Sarah not to reveal her crush's name. He gave her some money and some bracelets. Might be time for Sarah to do the Birds and the Bees chat soon. Although I doubt she will.
* Esme is quite clearly high on sugar. Oh the joys of being a kid.
* Isla is having some pink panther biscuits and a gingerbread house covered in chocolate and jelly beans,Isabelle is in bed with a box of jaffa cakes. I don't mean to keep moaning but their diet is going from bad to
. Those girls will have diabetes by the end of next year if this continues. Does Sarah care about her kids? Nope!!!
* Sarah got out of breath walking up the stairs. Shows how lazy she is.