The kefir was not as strong as I remember; it was mild and sweet, in fact. I purchased a grass fed milk version that was highly rated. Making kefir to align with dietary preference is possible too — just have to obtain kefir granules. I might try it someday to make water kefir which is an ingredient necessary for healthy cream soda. Ordinarily, I don’t drink soda because it adds gas to my digestive tract which is painful to me. However, the effervescence of kefir does not bother me.
Green tea still to come. Still drinking (and enjoying) tea I already have going. I added Yakult to my online shopping. I drank one but I’ve chucked the rest in the freezer to try again towards the end of my experimenting. It was too aggressive after one serving.
Originally my goal was to introduce as many bacteria strains as possible. I’ve since learned about psychobiotics which is the term for certain bacterias that have an affect on mental health. My new aims are to check off a list of strains that have been examined for beneficial qualities and to become in tune with my mental health changes as I add unstudied varieties.
For probiotic foods this week I am continuing with live sauerkraut, cultured cottage cheese and BioStrath. I have added vanilla flavored skyr — if I repurchase it I will order plain. This tastes like vanilla flavored sour cream
For prebiotics my diet includes carrots and bananas and I have added oats. I prepared overnight oats but I will try cooking them now and see if there is any difference in digestion.
I cannot say there have been improvements to my digestion this week. Aside from the day with Yakult, there have not been any regressions.