Jealous of Sarah?Jealous of someone who spends her life begging off strangers, who sits on her arse contributing the sum total of duck all to the country, who is rearing her children to be as useless as she is? Jealous? No.
Do please, PLEASE elaborate on what we could be jealous of exactly??Jealous of Sarah?Jealous of someone who spends her life begging off strangers, who sits on her arse contributing the sum total of duck all to the country, who is rearing her children to be as useless as she is? Jealous? No.
Don't forget hoping a future partner would assault her son. For the terrible crime of not putting out the bin or some such.No they won't 'look into the rest of it' cos no one here has ever threatened or spoken a word to her. Hearing things you don't want to hear isn't a crime - especially when you seek out those things.
Again its a bold move. Cryarsing to the bizzies about ppl you call cunts and losers calling you a bleep and loser. Can't wait for them to get to the bit where she encouraged the attack of a girl half her age and size and took the piss out of someone's brothers suicide. Can only assume anyone giving this monster the time of day does so cos she's a huge shot in the arm to their own self esteem. Don't know how she looks that mug in the mirror.