The Aldi video (October 2023):
Sarah went kinda viral after sharing a video on Twitter shaming an Aldi manager for “stealing” her free school meals vouchers (Sarah’s kids are Pupil Premium so she gets £10 per week per child in supermarket vouchers during school holidays to help to feed them).
The manager had scanned the voucher, then Sarah was fannying around trying to transfer money across to a different account on her phone so she could pay the rest, and the manager and other customers were getting frustrated with her unapologetic dithering and she gobbed off at them all and said they were coercively controlling her and starving her poor little (teenage and adult) children.
The manager threatened Sarah with police. Sarah threatened the manager with her quite big Twitter actually.
Sarah was basically turfed out of Aldi before completing the transaction for her trolley full of crisps and white bread for being entitled and verbally abusive to staff.
Sarah posted the video to Twitter claiming Aldi has some great big conspiracy against single mums on benefits. She called for a boycott of their stores. She called for the manager to be sacked. She called for “at least £60” compensation for her PTSD from the event and not-actually-stolen vouchers.
Aldi responded by banning her from their store for life. It turns out Sarah had been rude to staff there before and they were sick of her tit. After all the fuss it transpired the vouchers were still valid, nobody stole anything, but kind people on the internet still donated nearly £1k to her BuyMeACoffee (including 100 quid from Depher) anyway.
Then it came clear that this wasn’t the first time Sarah had pleaded poverty on the internet, and she’s actually “crowdfunded” thousands of pounds over the years, swans around in taxis for a past time, keeps trying to make up disabilities for more grift scope, and spends £600 a month on food shopping like all the other poor people in poverty do.