
According to the content she shares on her subscriber channel, her lawyers were very surprised when she upped sticks and moved to US. Apparently, however, they’ve subsequently been very impressed at the speed at which she has got her life set up over there in terms of a permanent home, regular work etc and actually believe this will strengthen her case to get them to live there permanently.

The case will be heard in March and she is doing everything possible ahead of the court hearing to demonstrate they will be better off with her.
LOL. Strengthen her case from 1% to 2%. Would love to hear how counsel will explain why she left her two children in another country in the full time care of someone who's er.....not fit to care for them full time
LOL. Strengthen her case from 1% to 2%. Would love to hear how counsel will explain why she left her two children in another country in the full time care of someone who's er.....not fit to care for them full time
Yeah exactly. I can’t see any judge wanting to uproot them from their current home. I think she’s totally shot herself in the foot with this one. I know someone who fled domestic violence and left her kids behind and she lost custody of them and she stayed in the same frigging country as her kids!
My take on her lawyer story is that they despaired when she moved and are now ‘at leasting’ her about what has happened since, and she’s just not hearing the truth.

A family member went through a hideous family court case over residency and every little thing is seized on and gone over. This move will be presented by the ex’s team as a sign that she doesn’t put her children first, that she acts impulsively, that she can’t make mature decisions about co-parenting etc. The fact that a woman in her 40s managing to find somewhere to live and generating some income is considered impressive hints at some fairly major concerns about her to me.
This may be unfair as we only know what she is saying, but alarm bells ring at how much of this is being presented more or less as ‘happy mum=happy kids’. The court is not particularly interested in happy parents - they want to see happy kids. It’s a mountain to climb to say why it’s best for her kids to leave their school, friends and father to live in the Pacific North West.
Yeah exactly. I can’t see any judge wanting to uproot them from their current home. I think she’s totally shot herself in the foot with this one. I know someone who fled domestic violence and left her kids behind and she lost custody of them and she stayed in the same frigging country as her kids!
Why would they? The test will be what is in the children's best interests (not whether Bethy is happier there making crappy podcasts with Rossipes or whatever his name is). How is it in the children's best interests to be removed from school, put in an entirely different school system on a small island where there will be limited other options if that school doesn't work out. Taken away from friends, only be able to see their father on limited ocassions. The father that their mother has hinted on social media is an "abuser"? So how can there be a reassurance that Bethy will be facilitating that relationship with their father if she is saying that? I think the father can have reasonable concerns that if they go for holidays in future, they may not be returned. Bethy could well find herself being curtailed to seeing them in the UK for the forseeable
She mentions the children being with her in her latest post. Sad news about her dad passing on Christmas Day. Perhaps part of her urgency for moving back might’ve been spurred by his declining health.
Yeah it’s very sad about her dad and I sympathise. I’ve got a friend in a similar situation and it’s tough. However not sure it will make much difference to the courts?

Sorry, I meant she’s shot herself in the foot by moving home, nothing to do with her dad.