How the world could change to be better after coronavirus

Keep fuel at a lower price.

Where I live diesel is currently 110 and petrol is 104. Whilst there isn’t such a demand for it at the moment as people aren’t doing the car journeys they usually would, it clearly shows that fuel doesn’t need to be at such a high price as it was a few weeks ago. One garage was selling diesel at 135.

This is a bit more complicated than some of the things mentioned here. It was due to an economic war between Russia and Saudi Arabia - the Saudis purposefully flooded the oil market which caused prices to drop as supply rose and demand dropped. Not something our country has as much control over.

Top positives post COVID;
- Lots of companies and workplaces used to flat out deny opportunities to work from home but were able to when back into a corner. This should be an option now if they can clearly facilitate it.
- Better awareness of personal hygiene
- Appreciation for the NHS potentially in the UK
I really need somewhere to express my feelings about an incident that happened at a bus station today, regarding a gesture that has become common with the BLM movement. Where can I do this without being censored or deleted?
I really need somewhere to express my feelings about an incident that happened at a bus station today, regarding a gesture that has become common with the BLM movement. Where can I do this without being censored or deleted?
There is a thread called Racism Discussions that might be the place for you. I dont follow that thread so dont know what is allowed there but you can take a look.
I now think there is a bit more solidarity between elderly and younger people. The Covid-19 pandemic is a new experience that everyone went through at the same time, regardless of age, life experiences ,and financial/ ethnic background.

*I mean people in the same geographical area.
1. People have discovered over the past few months a new spirit of community and selflessness; a far cry from the “me first” attitude so many people seemed to have before the lockdown

2. We will be a lot more appreciative of the NHS and show far more gratitude for the efforts of NHS workers to keep us safe should we fall ill.

3. People will hopefully become far less materialistic and realise that success in life isn’t measured by material wealth but by the quality of life and the people we share it with.
We will value far more the things we used to take for granted; the freedom to go for a walk anywhere we like, to travel to nice places and to go out with friends for food and drink.

4. We will hopefully adjust our work life balance for the better. It’s always struck me as strange that so many people work themselves into the ground 5 days a week so they can spend the other two days spending the money they’ve earned to forget how miserable the other 5 days have been! Perhaps in the long-term flexible working and home working will enable us to drop down to 4 or even 3-day weeks?

Yes, there will be some who may struggle financially post the lockdown but when we look back on this period, I think many of us will feel it’s been a great chance to take a step back at our lives and question what we do and why we do it.
so I had to postpone my wedding during lockdown, rearranged today next year, was meant to be the big white wedding, turned to my partner last week and said let’s cancel everything and just go to the registry office this year. None of it matters anymore, what matters is my partner and I getting married and our sons being there. Xx
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned but hopefully it will also spell the end of influencer culture. It seems gross and out of touch to see such hyper capitalism at play and influencers posting PR unboxing and cooing about freebies whilst encouraging us plebs to buy.

I've certainly realised I need less "stuff"
How the world could change for the better after coronavirus:
1. People will be more hygienic and actually wash their hands after using the toilet.
2. People won’t come as close to you, it’s nice for your own personal space back.
3. People will be less materialistic, mainly because they’re losing their jobs and can’t afford the same stuff they used to!
4. People will appreciate family/friends/loved ones more. Being away from the ones you love makes you realise how valuable time is when you’re with them.
5. Spending less, being in lockdown has made me realise that I spend far too much money on tit I don’t need, I now only go shopping when I NEED to.
6. Healthier, being without takeaways has made me realise I don’t need them and it is better to have home cooked meals. I’ve also been on long walks which I never used to do.
7. Realising hobbies, I’ve noticed things I enjoy doing and have got back into them.
8. It’s been like a holiday, I had a baby at the end of September and I’ve only in the past week gone back to work. I’ve had nearly a year off work and it feels like therapy, it feels like my brain has been refreshed. I feel like my whole outlook on life has changed. I appreciate things more and don’t take things for granted.

this list is mainly what benefits me but I’m sure others can relate to some I’ve listed.
3. yes! We got engaged last year and I was never into the idea of a proper wedding, I am an introvert and the thought of it makes me so nervous. At the beginning of the year we were considering eloping just the two of us and then Covid happened. Well, all that has gone on with Covid has confirmed even more that we would be happy with eloping and do not want to waste (in our opinion) money on a wedding. Neither of our families live close by either, one in another country, and the other 12 hours away.

5. Have not bought a coffee store beverage since before March! Nothing wrong with making nice coffee at home and it saves a lot of money. I also cancelled my gym membership and am happy exercising at home now I have found a groove.

6. Yes, we used to eat out every week, sometimes twice a week. We do get takeaway from restaurants but not as often. Lockdown made us try cooking meals we hadn't done before.
A better work life balance and putting up with less of people’s tit. LOADS of people are dying in the world on a daily basis due to the virus yet Sandra at work is fuming over something minor. Get a grip
People not touching me . I also think the way gps will change the way they practice . A lot less waiting rooms full of people ( there is at my surgery ). I hope they keep the protective screens up for shop works . My husband works in a petrol station, and says it’s something they have always wanted .
More people washing their hands and less D&V bugs .

Yes! I mentioned at the start of lockdown that if you don't know someone, why are you within six feet of them in the first place? I hoped it would put an end to people standing too close in queues/cash machines, but it doesn't really seem to have made all that much of a difference where I live :(

Sorry if this has already been mentioned, I haven't read the entire thread yet, but I hope that people will continue to wear masks when they have a cold etc. I know this is common practice in east Asian countries and I always thought it was so polite. Someone I know had chemoradiotherapy when she was very young (around the mid 1980s) and gets a stonking cold every year to the point she is in bed all day for two weeks. This year with widespread masks and social distancing, she's been fine even though she works in a hospital!
Yes! I mentioned at the start of lockdown that if you don't know someone, why are you within six feet of them in the first place? I hoped it would put an end to people standing too close in queues/cash machines, but it doesn't really seem to have made all that much of a difference where I live :(

Sorry if this has already been mentioned, I haven't read the entire thread yet, but I hope that people will continue to wear masks when they have a cold etc. I know this is common practice in east Asian countries and I always thought it was so polite. Someone I know had chemoradiotherapy when she was very young (around the mid 1980s) and gets a stonking cold every year to the point she is in bed all day for two weeks. This year with widespread masks and social distancing, she's been fine even though she works in a hospital!
I was hoping for something similar in that it would stop presenteeism with people turning up to work with a cold to "prove" they are ill. This is a big bug bear of mine. People wanting to be sent home as they think it looks better than calling in sick
I was hoping for something similar in that it would stop presenteeism with people turning up to work with a cold to "prove" they are ill. This is a big bug bear of mine. People wanting to be sent home as they think it looks better than calling in sick

I think you're right. Sadly, many companies have really crappy sick leave policies. Not at work, but years ago at uni someone pretty much sneezed down my back and I got ill right before deadline season. Eek!
I think you're right. Sadly, many companies have really crappy sick leave policies. Not at work, but years ago at uni someone pretty much sneezed down my back and I got ill right before deadline season. Eek!
Yeh I totally get companies can be arses about sick leave.

My bug bear is that i work for a company with a very generous policy and people still feel like they have to come in coughing and sneezing everywhere to show off how ill they are. You never know if people have underlying conditions, or live with people who do, so it is incredibly selfish