We're very tentatively hoping to move from a 3 bed to a 4 bed next Spring or soon after when our mortgage deal runs out.
We're South West/borderline Midlands and prices range from £260k for a 4 bed in a very dodgy local city to £900k in the town near our village for a similar sized property in a very fancy area with lots of private schools around it. I won't say which cities/towns but anyone in this area can probably guess (please don't, I don't want to dox myself XD) In our village itself it can range from £330k ish for a 4 bed to an easy £600k. Recently a developer bought an abandoned car garage, built 5 terraced 3 bed houses on it with no front gardens, shared parking and tiny back gardens and all of them sold for between 500k and 600k. It feels sometimes like round here people just decide on the day what a property is worth and the deduction is based on what way the estate agent drove to work that morning.
In my parents and in-laws area, the Home Counties, again properties can sell for anything between £390k to £900k for a 4 bed. The house prices in my birth city are particularly disgustingly high - recently a 2 bed maisonette sold there for a hair over £725k. Because it's just outside of London and has good train links people from London come out, look at the house prices and think "Oh, I could pay £500k for a 1 bed flat in London or I could buy a 3 bed house here for £500k, I know what I'll do".