Am I the only one that doesn't see what she wants to portray? Her salary isn't all that (I make a lot more but I am older than her). There will always be people better off and worse off than everyone, there is no need to show it off. The grads at my company make double her salary but they are all graduates from top universities and she just about went to college. Yet she makes it seem like she is some high flyer with her job as a glorified secretary. You can tell in how she speaks that she isn't particularly well educated.
She has to spend all of her life editing videos, filming content, thinking of content, showing her family etc for a pretty penny. She will eventually regret not spending more time living in the moment and enjoying her family.
I also can't stand how she pretends she's got her whole life together because she is married with a family. The best thing I ever did was having kids later in life. I have travelled the whole world and have incredible experiences that no money can buy. She will have to do all that in her mid-late 40s when it will not be half as much fun. All that if she can afford it while paying for her kid's education. She does not realise how much she has missed out in life.
No disrespect to young mums at all. There is just no need to show off whether you have kids or you don't. No choices in life are better than others.
Lastly, she thinks of herself as so attractive... again, opinions are like behinds, everyone has one. But it is pointless to think of yourself better than others because of how you look.
Her life is so... beige.