
Saying on the plane folk can see ma weans terrified n won’t swap seats then makes a clap back saying it’s no a big deal 🤔
Aye saying its no a big deal then saying the wee one wasn't good at all and was having a panic attack basically, so it was a big deal then duck sake! Poor weans are too wee to not be beside their parents. Her and him are absolute rockets.

She was never an alcoholic she has used that to get a platform on tik tok. I noticed from way back she was out her banger on something. Holly doesn't seem the type to want to work, she barely made her placements and they were only for 6 weeks at a time it's actually pathetic. She either left uni because she thought she had hit the big time with 20k followers or she was told to leave because she mentioned failing an essay and had placement hours to make up. She didnt seem like she was doing much uni work 🤣 never known a nursing student to have so much time to arse about as she did.
Aye I fully believe she left that course because she couldn’t hack it. Can you imagine her as a nurse? Never mind a student nurse that gets all the tit of the day to do.
She would be telling all the patients about herself since she's such a narcissist and to just be happy and grateful for what they have 😂 lets face it she is never going back 😅 She also had the luxury of not having to work whilst studying so she was in a really privileged position, whilst having a cleaner etc. I think when she's started uni she's been like fuckkkkkk. Her and Andrea seem very similar, neither of them seem to have much of a work history so tik tok is ideal for the likes of them all the while exploiting their poor children.
tit Tits tit Faded outdated Tattoos,aye hen your 10/10 😂😂😂 #threadsuggestion