Why are you sick of hearing about her? She started at 16, straight from school which was an average Inner City girls school and a family friend got her the job at IPC magazines. Another “friend” but more acquaintance now is Polly Graham who was one of the mirror 3am journalists and was in my class for a year at school, privileged background as she lived in streatham common area, but nothing special at school at all, unglamorous and I’ve got no idea who she’s involved with. I won’t name the Woman journo friend as much now as we’re still friendly as she fell out with a Mutual close friend who was in PR and I was also at school with.
Are you actually jealous of someone (little old me?!) who knows a female journalist of a well known woman’s magazine and mixes in circles (I don’t obviously!) which you will never gain entrance to?! Christ that’s sad...