Chatty Member
i wonder how she managed when she was pregnant then? i must say they do sometimes both come across a bit over excitable compared to other tv presenters. a lot of people dont find them professional, maybe thats why people dont like them subconciously, because their behaviour seems weird and people dont realise they are on drugs and drink.I agree. I’ve never taken drugs before so I wouldn’t know how it feels. Maybe they take It occasionally but not that many addicts can last a while without giving in. Unless they’ve gone to rehab of course. Some can but she is apparently a MASSIVE addict. I’ve read that you can be awake for days but surely you would be tired after all that. Someone mentioned Helen Mirren being a coke user and she’s 75. I don’t know how celebrities do it. Don’t really know if Helen does it though. I’d say they take it every few days maybe.
helen mirrens way too old, it can give you heart problems, celebrities are mental arent they?