Open letter to Creepy Steve’s gifters.
Dear folk who gift Holly,
I love the fact that you want to help someone, I’m pleased you have the disposable income to be able to gift people, that’s brilliant and kind and lovely, especially in these times of austerity.
Can I ask you a couple of questions? Does it not gall, just slightly, that Holly isn’t actively trying to put money to her transition? Have you not noticed that the week she raises lots of money .. for her ‘transition’ … on the rising stars that she buys a projector, gets her belly and tongue pierced, goes out for dinner twice? She’s not really working her arse off to pay for her transition is she? Think about it, if they can live off Jess’s wage, then Holly could get a minimum wage job, put every penny away and have saved £20k in a year.
Does it not bother you that she is a convicted drug dealer? Twice. Drugs are a bit tit really, I’ve got teenagers - drugs frighten me, I don’t see drug dealing as a victim free ‘soft’ crime.
Like I opened with, I think you are lovely people, (I mean that) donating your hard earned money to someone you think needs it more than you. But, please think about real charities that need money, Holly really is just a chancer and is making a mockery out of folk who really need a helping hand in life.
Love from
Common sense