i have mixed feelings for holly because she said that WFH 20h per week was taking most of her time when in the real world people have 40h per week jobs (or sometimes even more) and on top of that they have to deal with commuting, taking care of family members and many other responsibilities. however, she worked extremely hard in both cambridge and UCL, (probably studying +10h per day during her undergraduate) so i also think she deserves to have a job that only takes half of the working week if that's what she feels like
on the other hand, as many of you have said, she's very book smart and with her capabilities and her degrees she should have pursued a more academic o research related job, at least to 'pay off' all her hard work during her uni years. i understand that she gets a very nice and appealing income from youtube (probably a few times more than what she would get from working in a lab), but it breaks my heart to see her and many other brilliant students (such as simon clark, who even pursued a phd) become internet personalities. moreover, she opened her channel when she got accepted into cambridge, which, along with her excellent grades during her undergraduate made people hooked to her channel, as many viewers wanted to become so academically successful as her. but now, if she just keeps traveling and making (non stated lol) ads and sponsors to make ends meets, what is the appealing for that public that grew with her?
during one of her last videos, the one in which she cries about turning 25, she mentions that she's going to spend little to zero time at home next 2023 as things are going to change massively but first she has to sort them out properly. i'm unsure wether if she will become a digital nomad, traveling to different countries every few weeks, or if she's going to settle down in a city abroad for at least a year and learn about the language and culture (like anna lenks did). i think that second option would suit holly better, as it would be regarded as 'slow traveling' and wouldn't be against her ecology/vegan beliefs. maybe she wants to move her YT business to a country with very low tax rates so she can save more money? maybe that would explain why she has to organise and prepare so much for the next year. i don't know what to expect at this point!