HilaryDoes #2 Hillary does skipping for punishment, skips meals for fun, now she’s a full blown Instahun

This one is literally in love with herself. I'd say if she could put a ring on herself she would. Whats the story with this fem fuelz she keeps ramming down our throats. Is she on commission or something? Does she ever stop to think that young impressionable girls will be watching her and think that is normal to be taking every freaking morning. It's quite sad.
THE STATE OF HER HAIR!!!! her extensions are Ali express of extensions!!! 😂😂😂😂
I came on to say exactly this. Its not just Hilary though. I see a lot of girls with terrible extensions and I always wonder do they ever notice it themselves? Like if I looked back at a video or pic of me with extensions and I saw THAT, I’d be removing them immediately.. and never returning to whoever put them in. They’re clearly not suited to the texture of her own hair or something.