Unfortunately in these situations it is almost always the other woman who gets the blame/most hate and not the man who can’t keep it in his trousers. They always seem to just scoot away without a blemish to their character.They are both bad people but this thread has gone after the woman way more when she might have already split from her husband and doesn't have baggage. Whilst they are both bad Richie is the worst of the two because he's three kids including a newborn and clearly cheated on his wife, so he should get most of the hate on here.
We know the media read this thread so what I want them to find out and tell us with an 'exclusive' is when did Steph split with her husband? Was it a long time ago or was it around the same time as Richie left the family home? I want to know how much time they was between them telling their partners it was over.