I’ve said before, I think she’s the sort of person who’ll get rid of the dogs as soon as she gets pregnant.
I’m not going to watch that video because it will make me furious, but I’ve never understood why she has pets. She can’t even look after herself properly so why would she take care of pets?
The RSPCA won’t do anything - they are completely overwhelmed at the best of times and at the moment we are living through the worst. They can only deal with cases of extreme cruelty and neglect and while Helen might be a crappy dog owner Dee and Lola are not in that category. I don’t think that she’s intentionally cruel to them, I just think she is lazy, thick and shallow. She can’t be arsed to do anything that takes work (like training them) and she’s a classic example of someone who wants a dog for show and company but never put any real thought into the responsibilities of pet ownership.
What makes me more sad is that no one else seems to step in and tell her to take care of them properly or rehome them. Fil, Savage Sue, her sisters and her mates are all sitting there lettting all this happen in front of them and they never seem to intervene. Fil especially is complicit in this as he lives with her.