@ChipDex for the CoS and LP information, especially The Queen's last Letters Patent which I thought was poignant. Quickly undone by her son wasn't it.
Daily Mail 19 January 2024
"Fresh snub for Harry and Andrew as Buckingham Palace quietly sidelines princes from serving as Counsellors of State to step in for King Charles in the latest humiliation for royal duo,"
This was a con, and BP did nothing of the sort. It was in response to public anger at KC's stated refusal to "humiliate" the Stoat by removing him as a CoS. Instead they got Lord True to make a statement in the House of Lords (official-looking) in November 2022 that the Royal Household had decreed that only RF working members could be CoS. The Stoat and PA were therefore not eligible. This was rubbish, a fudge, as CoS rules say nothing about working members. PA is as much a CoS as the others and always was. The Stoat wasn't, because he lived in the US, but he now is a CoS.
Our Late Queen specifically excluded the Stoat as a CoS in her last Letters Patent (date unclear as type tiny).
Chuck specifically put him back in by quietly removing the last obstacle to his being a CoS last year, residence.
Harald is now on an equal footing with all the others, of equal importance. It took a bit of wrangling but Chuck got there.
I wonder what the other CoS members think of this, what William thinks of his brother being of equal status here and them all lumped together?