Off topic—
prayers needed for a family in a nearby small town. A mother, her grown daughter (both nurses at the local hospital and clinic), and two younger sons (~9 and 18) were lost in a house fire early Thursday morning. The three year old granddaughter was rescued, but is in hospital (she is the daughter of the grown daughter, who apparently got her as far as the back door, then went back in to try to help her brothers, but didn’t come back out); the father was at work. As of yesterday evening the fire was still burning—the two story house had collapsed into the basement. They’ve not recovered the bodies yet because it’s still too hot. The father is, understandably, emotionally and psychologically wrecked (I cannot imagine). Its a small town where everyone knows everyone else (my daughter-in-law, also a nurse, worked with the two women), with many family, work, school, and neighborhood connections.
It is just a nightmare situation.
Back on topic—I despise/loathe those two heartless, useless, piece of tit grifters even more. All their effing whining about how hard done by they are is particularly galling when seen in contrast with real life tragedy. They need to shut the eff up and stay that way…forever.
Thanks for allowing me to vent, and apologies for typos, etc.
Neither of them would qualify anyway, as hairless doesn’t have a brain and the witch‘s is too malignantly evil for normal use.