VIP Member
Chuck has everyone where he wants them and has an iron grip. Whatever we're told is suspect, as this whole charade is like an onion with layer after layer of lies. There are no certainties, and I'm not clear why the Ho would want to destroy her Stoat as aren't they working together even with their mutual loathing and dependence? They're not done yet.I think William will stand fast, I'm just hoping Charles doesn't do anything stupid before William becomes King. And I'm with you in hoping Meghan destroys him completely, no-one deserves it more
William seems to do as he's told, and a red flag for me was that nothing was done to halt the attacks on his wife and children year after year. He's been under the bus so many times I'm not so sure of him now, and he should get off Pa's WEF bandwagon imo.
William seems slightly remote and on the back foot, and neither he nor his wife look to have flourished under the Carolean Era with Chuck and Cam. Quite the opposite, Catherine's suffered several needless hammer-blows and William's not been brought on like a young plant ready to replace the ancien regime. Difficult to explain, more a feeling than anything else.