Obviously I don't like Meghan at all for being a narcissic grifting liar but there are several rumours that regularly do the rounds that sound like nonsense to me and are purely speculation:
1. She was married to a man named Joe before Trevor. There's zero evidence bar 'a prom photo' and no reason for the ex boyfriend to cover for her.
2. There's no evidence that Meghan had a child with Joe either (or anyone else) and if she did have a child with Joe an annulment makes no sense.
3. She was a yacht girl as in ho ho ho... zero credible evidence. Going on a yacht a few times proves nothing and I don't believe she met Prince Andrew on a yacht either.
4. Meghan had a hysterectomy when she was young. Again zero credible evidence and not backed up by her family.
5. Meghan has lied about her age. I know a lot of actresses shave a couple of years off their age (cough....Liz Hurley) but her age has been verified by her family. Her credentials and legal documents would have been checked out by the security services before she married Harold.
I simply don't believe that Meghan is an all powerful being who is able to silence everyone forever. The Internet was cleaned up a bit before she joined the RF and since then but nobody can or should stay silent forever. Those staff NDAs will eventually be broken by someone and we all know she's a bully anyway.
I know people talk about her having 'powerful backers' to help bring down the Royal Family but again this seems very unlikely to me. The reality is that she's just an attention seeking gold digger who got lucky trapping a dim Prince, and may have had some friends who helped her craft an image to appear desirable to him (like Marcus).
There are certainly plenty of people who have championed her but they are all doing it for their own reasons e.g. daft sugar fangirls, people who believe the RF are racist colonisers anyway and people who want a Republic. They've all piled in on her side to support their own beliefs. Boozy is simply a racist scammer who despises rich white people with power so of course he believes and supports her. Plastic Scobie also has a huge chip on his shoulder and enjoys the grift of pretending that every bad thing that has ever happened to him can be traced back to racism.
Meghan is simply the patron Saint of Grifting and a useful tool for others in the crusade against the elite class. Its actually quite ironic because being a member of the elite is all Meghan has ever aspired to