I second this. His own lies and gargantuan sense of entitlement should be the things that bring him down. Can’t blame this one on Willy or Pa.
edit: grammar. Haven’t had my coffee yet.
His lies are told because he is protected and gets away with lying every time. Any problems are smoothed over behind the scenes, Courts swung in his favour.
He's openly involved in sinister groups that want to stifle free speech.
He and his Ho are allowed to openly threaten his brother and their family year on year.
Both Stoats meddle in politics wherever they can and will continue to do so.
His huge sense of entitlement, and hers, comes from the fact that they are bona fide royals and enjoy all the privileges and protections that status confers.
Their bogus children are in the Royal Line of Succession thanks to blackmail.
He's a Counsellor of State against the rules. An HRH, so's his slapper.
They openly rob the charities in which they are involved, whistleblowers "transitioned out".
What's not to like?
The lies and huge sense of entitlement have been there for years. The person responsible for enabling Harald to do all these dreadful things is his father, the Monarch. Without Chuck's support and royal patronage Harald would collapse like a pricked balloon.
Yes the Stoat is an adult and responsible for his actions, but TPTB knew years ago what he was yet continue to hand him the tools to cause damage while pretending to grey-rock and turn a blind eye.
Chuck could have "brought him down" years ago but dare not. On the contrary, he's making sure Harald stays afloat, and Hollywood turning their backs is irrelevant and not what matters, nor is the fact that Harald is drugged and sick.
They are dangerous because we're gaslit by superficial setbacks which gratify us like ESPY, Yay! They're dead in the water! But the real damage goes on behind the scenes unchecked.